
Cave Adullam started as a series of spontaneous interactions between ministers of the gospel gathering in a home. After a weekend filled with activities, "pastor friends" would spend hours reminiscing on past outpourings of God's Spirit upon His people from biblical times till now. As these men and women would gather and share the joys of salvation, they would remember the rich heritage that the church in Nigeria had in her former glories, discover revelations of the future outpouring of the latter rain for the growth of trees of righteousness but this time to raise up trees of righteousness broadcasting the wealthy and diverse expressions of the virtues of Christ that will bring healing to the nations. The informality of the setting allowed communion to flow without restraint as time and time again, the hearts of ministers would groan with unsatisfaction with the status quo.

As hunger pangs began to grow, the Lord began to speak with clarity that a house should be raised for the fortitude of mighty men and women of the lineage of David, the man after God's heart, and  Obadiah to preserve and build the common wealth of Israel hidden in the prophets of the Lord!

David, during the reign of Saul sought refuge in the cave of Adullam where he fiercely sought the comforting presence God which ended up strengthening many victims of distress, debt and discontentment who became mighty men!

Obadiah, during the idolatrous reign of Jezebel that resulted in the relentless massacre of the prophets of the Lord, took and hid a hundred prophets in caves where they were fed bread and water!

In these times where the heart of God for His body is nothing more than an afterthought to many, a strong mandate arises to a remnant few! The mandate is to ensure that ministers of the gospel of the kingdom are complete, proficient, & thoroughly furnished (for the good work of the 5-fold ministry) and that the hearts all of God's people are beautifully adorned (for the priestly service of the bridegroom) with passion for the Master!

While still staying in line with this call to witness the Lord purify His bride Himself, we've found several courts in the house of God with ministries for raising different groups of God's people. Ministers Rest targets ministers of the gospel, Preparing His bride targets the growing believer while STNG is for the next generation!

"Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name"
[Malachi 3:16]